To Report a possible Harassment, Intimidation & Bullying Incident:
Initial Reporting Form is now online ONLY, please use link on bottom of page.
1. Verbally report to building principal
2. Principal or designee will inform you if you MUST than fill out a reporting form. Some cases you will not have to because the Principal & ABS will do a Pre-Screening
3. Fill out Initial Reporting Form within 2 days of the verbal report, once principal tells you
4. If a student or parent tells a District Employee, they are charged with following the process above.
5. You may contact the School's Anti-Bullying Specialist too, for further guidance
6. If you are unsure about what it may be, you can always fill out a Garfield School District General Incident Form and provide to Principal/ABS. That form is below.
1. Contact building Principal/School Anti-Bullying Specialist or even tell a teacher, paraprofessional, security or any other trusted adult that is a school staff member
2. Student can fill out initial reporting form, but is not required to. The staff member that the student tells is charged with going through the district employee process
1. Contact building Principal
2. Parent can fill out initial reporting form, but is not required to. The principal is charged with going through the district employee process.
Anonymous Reporting
Anonymous Reporting can only be done by Student/Parent NOT a District Employee.
1. Fill out the Initial Reporting form below and you may leave your name blank
Garfield School District HIB Initial Reporting Form
General Garfield School District Incident Form