HIB District Grades

District/School HIB Grades 

School Self-Assessment for Determining Grades:

Garfield School District has been issued by the State each individual school and the district’s grades for the 2021-2022 School Year. This score comes from a School Self-Assessment Rubric provided/approved by the NJ Department of Education.  Under the Commissioner’s Program, the school grade is a raw score of data and the sum of the ratings for all indicators within each core element on the School Self-Assessment (e.g. 65 of 78 points). The maximum total score for a school is 78 points. The school district’s grade is an average of the total scores of all schools in the district. The department of education issued grade is not represented as a letter grade. The Department is not issuing any associated value or ranking for the raw and average scores. The raw and average scores reflect the school and school district’s degree of compliance with the Anti-Bullying Bill of Rights Act (ABR), as determined primarily through each school’s self-assessment of its implementation of the ABR. As per the NJDOE directive each school district must list the information on the district website and each individual school website for public review.

Since the implementation of the Anti-Bullying Bill of Rights Act, our schools/district has made progress in addressing harassment, intimidation and bullying incidents and improving the schools/district climate and culture by implementing various programs, workshops, assemblies, procedures and policies. Each school has developed a program that works for their population. All the schools participate in activities that promote an end to harassment, intimidation and bullying (HIB) in school, at home and on social media.

Our school district has conscientiously implemented the requirements found in the Anti-Bullying Bill of Rights Act by providing training on the ABR to all members of the faculty and staff.  The School Safety/Climate Teams and School Anti-Bully Specialists along with the District Anti-Bullying Coordinator annually, review the reporting procedures and any changes to the bill as well as discuss how we can continue to have a positive school climate making our schools safe for our students.

Garfield School District will continue to evaluate our school, make changes if needed and implement various approaches and activities.

The District Score for 2021-2022 is 60 out of 78. 

To view the District's overall score & all the individual Schools' scores: click on the folder below and choose the year you would like to view.