Grievance Procedure


Garfield School District Affirmative Action Grievance Procedure

Under Title IX, each school district must have a written, and publicized grievance procedure for handling complaints alleging sex discrimination. Students, parents, and employees must be fully informed of the steps in the grievance process.  It is strongly recommended that discrimination grievance procedures allow for complaints on the basis of race, color, creed, religion, national origin, affectional or sexual orientation, ancestry, socioeconomic status, as well as sex.

Title IX does not specify a particular structure for the grievance procedure; it does require that the procedure provide for the “prompt and equitable resolution of students and employee complaints”. Therefore, all procedures must include reasonable timelines for the initiation and resolution of a grievance.

Any person who believes that he/ she has been discriminated against may also file a complaint with the Office for Civil Rights of the Department of Education at the same time a grievance is filed during or after the grievance process, or without using the school district process at all.  A person may also file a grievance with the New Jersey Division on Civil Rights.

Below is a copy of the Garfield School District Grievance Procedure. If there are any questions please feel free to call:

Dr. Richard Tomko- Superintendent of Schools- District Affirmative Action Officer  or (973) 350-5000 ext: 2300

Mr. Giovanni Luciano- District Affirmative Action Coordinator
[email protected] or (973) 350-5000 ext: 2554

Grievance Procedure.pdf