English As a Second Language, Sheltered Instruction, High Intensity ESL, and Newcomer Programs are for students limited in English proficiency. Students are selected for the programs based on a Home Language Survey, records review, statewide test, and other multiple indicators.
English Language Learners are retested yearly to determine eligibility and progress. ELL students receive daily instruction to better understand, speak, read, and write English, and to assist all ELLs to achieve at high levels in academic subjects so that all English learners can meet the same challenging State academic standards that all children are expected to meet. Our High Intensity program for grades 6-12 allows for students to be grouped based on similar ELP levels. At the elementary level, K-5, our Sheltered Instruction (SIOP) program allows general education teachers to provide multiple visual cues and other supports in the classroom in addition to an ESL teacher seeing them daily. Newcomer programs are provided for students who qualify. We also monitor English Language Learners for a minimum of 2 years after they have exited the program to ensure they are achieving success.