The Student Assistance Counselors serve as a resource to staff, students and parents. The SAC will also assist the Elementary Schools in the areas of Substance Abuse and will be contacted by the Elementary School Principal when it is relevant.
Student Assistance Coordinators/Counselors (SACs) are school based intervention specialists who provide services to students in need of help for a variety of concerns including mental health issues, substance abuse, family problems and other social/emotional or behavioral problems. Other responsibilities include the development and implementation of District Substance Abuse Prevention Programs and as a resource person to staff and parents on outside referrals to locate treatment agencies. The program educates on the harmful effects of Drugs and Alcohol.
Academic problems are often caused by underlying issues such as personal or family addictions, depression, anxiety, or peer relationships. We know that schools are often on the front line in addressing these issues and providing support and interventions for students and their families.
The Coordinators/Counselors work very closely with the Garfield Police Department and other groups such as the Garfield Prevention Coalition in providing resources, prevention strategies and so much more for our community.
Garfield Middle School
Ms. Brianna Ucci
Student Assistance Coordinator/Counselor (SAC)
Email: [email protected]
Garfield High School
Mrs. Jessica Piskuloski
Student Assistance Coordinator/Counselor (SAC)
Email: [email protected]
Substance Abuse Procedure Flow Chart click here
Student Referrals
A student may request services on their own or be referred by a teacher, any other staff member or by the student's parent/guardian. You may email the SAC that is in your building or child's building.
Student Assistance Counselor/Coordinator is well versed in federal confidentiality law (42 CFR-Part 2) which is on the main page and both the SAC and the school respect a student's and their families' right to privacy at all times.
The referral process is not a disciplinary one but rather a means to identify at-risk students in order to provide them with appropriate services whether it is for substance abuse or other areas of concern.
If an elementary school parent/guardian would like to refer their child to a SAC, you may contact Jessica Piskuloski at [email protected].